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About Harmonious Vitality

Our Approach

Harmonious Vitality is dedicated to promoting holistic well-being through detoxification, energy medicine and natural healing practices. Our center is a sanctuary for those seeking to restore balance and vitality.    We support our clients' journey to wellness.


Your body is self regenerating and miraculous in its wisdom. It knows how to heal itself when given what it needs. The body needs an alkaline terrain t support the cells. Cells are the basic building blocks which make up the tissues, organs and systems in the body. When the terrain becomes too acidic and corrosive the cells will breakdown resulting in 'symptoms'.  A set of symptoms are often given a name in the allopathic community, many times it is a doctors name who has listed the symptoms. Understanding the terrain required for healthy cells will help you understand the underlying cause of cellular breakdown. 


Now that you know the terrain required for the body to heal the cells, you will be delighted with the power of your choice and how quickly your body responds to it. The body needs clean fuel, so it can run efficiently. I have spent a life time studying the body and what it needs to heal. 


I provide an individual analysis of the body and education to understand your conditions, so you can take responsibility for yourself.  You are the one; step into your empowerment. My expectation is that each person is seeking answers to their issues and wants to partner for guidance and support. I will guide your healing process based on my own experience and my in-depth training in natural healing. True healing is a change in lifestyle that supports physical, emotional and spiritual growth. 


Education is a priority in the healing process, without the understanding you do not know the thought patterns and lifestyle choices that created the problem. You are a sovereign being, you are the one making the decisions and experiencing the effects of your body. There is no criticism, just support and information sharing to guide your process. If you find that you have slipped off your program, enjoy the power of your decisions and make a decision to get back on your program. Learn to let go of old programs that hold you back from your desires. When you apply a new program and restores the body's balanced physiology, a symptom free existence can be yours. 


Each program is designed and personalized to the individual based on the health assessment / initial consult, iridology reading, hair analysis, desires/goals of the client and results of the BioEnergetic Assessment and /or BioNetic Scan. The body is always talking to us. By tapping into the body's communication system using these non-invasive assessments, a state of balance can be restored. Any cellular dysfunction is reflected in your eyes. This is why iridology assessment is so effective in understanding the condition of the body and the resulting symptoms. 

Let’s Work Together

500 Terry Francine Street 

San Francisco, CA 94158

Tel: 123-456-7890

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